Google Earth!

Have you discovered Google Earth yet? I bet you have! well, if you haven't, go get it, it's a really cool program that lets you visit virtually any part of the world in amazing detail, specially in urban areas. I find myself spending hours finding places I've visited over the years, or places where my friends live now, or simply places in the news. Sometimes I get coordintaes off google earth that later i try to find using my GPS. It's a way to get me to places I've never been to within the city and its environs. I've been collecting coordinates since I got my first GPS device in '99. When my fiance and I first got together she said she'd help me collect more coordinates around Japan. We've collected a whole bunch of them in the 3 years since. I'm putting together a number of these so you can visit them online through Google Earth. I'll make an announcement when the list's ready. In the mean time, explore my 'hood! Latitude 34.666236, Longitude 135.519195